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About A

Holds over 20 years’ experience at the helm of complex, multisite manufacturing companies, industry associations and not-for-profits. Has operated in irector, advisory, business consultancy and chairman capacities to grow established organisations and turn around struggling operations. Achieves this by facilitating collaboration between individuals, teams and industries at all levels of seniority, including in the boardroom, to align their objectives with those of the organisation and ensure both can be reached. As a result, has driven up productivity and financial performance as well as enabling wider industry and environmental improvements at Parliamentary level.

Now seeking to work with organisations as a business consultant, an interim / part time Director, or in non-executive capacity to support their board members in the realisation of ambitions for more efficient operations, cohesive cultures, stronger profitability and possible exit strategies.


+ Engineering Environmental Management Consulting Manufacturing NGO Not for Profit / Charity Pharmaceutical