We understand your Family Office

Tailored Support for Family Offices

We specialise in understanding the unique investment strategies and often lean infrastructure of Family Offices. The VNXD Operator Network streamlines the recruitment process, facilitating the rapid and economical appointment of non-executive directors and chairpersons tailored to the needs of startups and growth-stage companies.

This approach efficiently circumvents the traditional, protracted, and expensive search techniques.

Our operations team focuses on

One platform,
no recruiter fees or commissions

Register now for a live demo with our expert team.

During the demo, you will discover a single platform that offers you the advantage of bypassing recruiter fees and commissions entirely.

This is your opportunity to learn directly from professionals about how our platform can streamline your hiring process, connect you with top talent, and save you significant costs on recruitment.

Whether you are an investor (PE, VC or Family Office) or a entrepreneur looking to catapult your growth business, this is for you.