What does a membership entail?

The VirtualNonExecs Lifetime membership includes various elements for those who are either aspiring non-executives or those who are looking to add more roles to their current portfolio.

The membership allows you to build a searchable profile, including video profile, access the Referrer Network and various rooms in the Virtualnonexecs app.

The Lifetime Membership is a “perpetual” license and is not an annual fee.

The membership gives access to all area of the site and is a “one size fits all” approach. Extra services and products can be added to a Lifetime Membership but they are entirely at your discretion.

We also review your online profile and recommend improvements.

Access to all improvement tools and content to help you develop your client base are accessed via The Academy, which is again, included in the Lifetime Membership.

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How much do Non-Executives earn?

The salaries available to non-executive directors vary widely. A snap shot of “typical” incomes are listed below:

  • SME business, the average base salary is £43,000.
  • FTSE 250 business, the average base salary is £50,000.
  • FTSE 100 businesses ranked 31-100, the average base salary is £60,000.
  • FTSE 100 businesses ranked 30-1, the average base salary is £83,000.

Do I need to be a member to access the benefits on the site?

To access the range of career tools, member profile creation and online advice you will need to be a full member.

However, posting a vacancy is 100% free. Searching members and contacting our members is also free.

Am I guaranteed to find a job by joining?

The short answer is “No”.

Any online network that guarantees a role or suggests this is the case should be met with scepticism. What we do at VirtualNonExecs is give a full range of the most cutting edge tools to help drive more relevant traffic to your profile when they are hiring non-executives.

How long does it take to find a non-executive director role?

This can vary from a matter of days to months or years. The way to ensure you stand the best chance of being hired as a non-executive director quickly is by considering your:

  • Experience and expertise;
  • Personal brand and online profile
  • Professional network – this may involve private equity, advisory firms or investment funds as well as other non-executive director members
  • Your access to a pool of roles – which we develop for our membership
  • Your understanding of the NED space and the role that Corporate Governance plays – again, we supply access to all of this information

As a member, must I build an online, searchable profile?

The short answer is “no”. However, the more open and searchable your profile, the more likely you are to be contacted by companies looking for your skill sets.

Do VirtualNonExecs share my information with anyone?

No. We are fully GDPR compliant.

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