Simplifying Strategy: The Role of Non-Executives and External Advisers in Scaling Up

When scaling businesses, the allure of diversification can sometimes lead to a cluttered corporate strategy, over-extended resources, and diluted brand identity. This can result in a chaotic business environment that hampers growth rather than fostering it. The old adage “Keep it simple” holds particularly true for scale-ups striving to establish themselves in competitive markets. Additionally, […]

Leveraging M&A Expertise in Non-Executive Roles: A Strategic Move for Value Creation

The integration of seasoned M&A professionals as non-executive directors on boards is not just beneficial; it is essential for navigating the complexities and unlocking the potential of M&A. Detailed insights from PitchBook’s Q3 2023 US VC Valuations Report highlight the tangible benefits and strategic advantages of incorporating M&A expertise at the board level. 1. Strategic […]

King or Rich? CEO Transitions: Insights from Harvard Business Review

Startups are funny things. Founders with the dream of being the next Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos is common among founders who envision leading their creations to greatness. However, the reality, as presented in findings from the Harvard Business Review, is often quite different. Analysis of numerous American startups from the late 1990s and early […]

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